There would be time, when...

Salam alaik and good evening to all.

Have it ever crossed your mind, the thought of wanting to change for the better? Every one does have this thought, but sometimes, the environment isn't much supporting for the person.

We might not be the ones who want to change for the better, but at least, help those who want to repent. Those who want to change for the better.

Change our mindset towards these newborn babies. Babies because they want to get rid of their sinful past, so welcome them to a bright and better future.

Below are the things, that we, perhaps, used to say to people who struggle (yes, everyone is struggling not to commit sin)

1) I want to repent. I can't stand living in this sinful life anymore. So we reply like this,"Hey dude are you going to be a saint, a halo on your head?" or "Are you going to tackle someone? Possessed by what?"

2) I want to cover my body. So we reply like this, "Better with you style right now, at least your heart is still pure than of those covering people who like to condemn this is good this is bad and have no life at all,"

3) And we even condemn them. "Hahahahah you know, I've just met .............., obviously he's trying to show that he's a saint, so that many girls will run after him!" or "There's no need for you to change, I know you change because you want to tackle that girl. So forget about changing. What's important is your honesty, man," or "Did you remember you used to do things like "$%^&, %^&*, and %^&*? there's no use to change, we all know who you are already,"

4) "There's still a plenty of time, dude, you're still young, how if we have fun instead of attending those boring sermons. Later when you reach sixty, just repent. Have a bit life, don't be a dull idiot man!"

5) "We know who you are. We won't accept you as friends unless you won't be such hypocrite anymore. Telling others to do good things while you yourself isn't good at all,"

6) "Acting like an angel himself. Pffftttt. That's so annoying!"
Hahaha look there's a soo angelic guy! 

Now, there are two things we need to bear in mind. At least, when we get annoyed with those people who want to be better, don't mock them. Don't support them to return to their old dark path. Don't. Change our mindset. Every person has his own right to change, you have no rights to determine whether they have to change or not at all. It's their life.

Support them, or don't even bother them at all. Let them continue repenting.

Till then, salam alaik.
