chayunk gilorh...

this morning, when i was going to pack up my belongings before going to school, mom said something that has given me the strength to sit for the upcoming examination, spm... ngeee...

nanti jawab periksa elok-elok tau....baca buku elok-elok....jangan tinggal solat....

that time i was quite sleepy after finishing my subuh prayer..

mom was heading to her school to accompany my brother for a motivational camp, i would be back to school this morning, cause we had a tuition class, and we had to arrange the tables and so forth.

i wanted to hug my mom, but i thought that i'm not used to hugging my mom...
i don't have the strength to express this love thing...

i'm not a person who can easily confess my love towards my mom

that time, i felt like kino....getting strength from juana....hoho

i just pulled out her hand and kissed it. i was speechless.

that's for all....

i will do my best mom.... i will....
