When you've been strong for so long, you realise a tree remains there just for you to rest under it and listens to you.
When you've been strong for so long, humble and strong willed are what a person can define you.
When you've been strong for so long, you'll know that I love you so much.
When you've been strong for so long, emotions can't rule the whole you but your mind takes control.
When you've been strong for so long, a bit of love brightens up your life.
When you've been strong for so long, betraying you means they will be dead.
When you've been strong for so long, traitors will be embarrassed by their actions towards you.
When you've been strong for so long, people will gather around you to seek for their strength.
When you've been strong for so long, throwing your tantrums won't be your habit anymore.
When you've been strong for so long, people will realise you're beautiful like diamond in the sky.
When you've been strong for so long, hope pours down like stars falling from the sky.
When you've been strong for so long, even nightmares are scared of you.
When you've been strong for so long, even cats or any pets can lift you up after you broke to pieces.
When you've been strong for so long, commoners shall respect you.
When you've been strong for so long, your haters turn to be your secret admirers.
When you've been strong for so long, you find yourself not dependent to people anymore.
When you've been strong for so long, people who kick you out from their life now regret their decision.
When you've been strong for so long, sadness and problems are just words found in the dictionary.
When you've been strong for so long, you know there will be people who appreciate you more than what you can imagine.
When you've been strong for so long, you won't mind to keep waiting for your dreams to come true.
When you've been strong for so long, you know there will be people who'll attend to your needs.
When you've been strong for so long, you won't mind to hope again.
When you've been strong for so long, recalling your past won't make you cry.
When you've been strong for so long, you can kick the past out of your memory.
When you've been strong for so long, you see tomorrow is a bliss for you.
When you've been strong for so long, ignorance comes and keeps your life at peace.
When you've been strong for so long, mammoth like problems can be solved within days.
When you've been strong for so long, optimism hits you often.
When you've been strong for so long, bitter tasteless life turns sweet as Red Velvets.
When you've been strong for so long, enduring hardships is just like standing at a breezy beach.
When you've been strong for so long, you see problems just like harmless tiny ants.
When you've been strong for so long, you won't bother what people will say.
When you've been strong for so long, your heart eventually turns strong like Kevlar.
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