Salam alaik and a good day for all of you.
Today’s topic is about cleanliness in Islam. Cleanliness is a very important thing for all Muslims. Before Muslims pray, they are required to wash their face, their hands; starting from the fingers until the elbows, the forehead (the hair just above the forehead), and the legs, starting from the toes until the ankles. Here is the sequence of ablution.
1. Wash the hands first, starting from the fingers until the wrists. If the nails are long, Muslims must let water flow on the flesh between the nails.
2. Wash the mouth. It is like gurgling the Listerine inside then spit it out.
3. Wash the nose.
4. Then wash the face thoroughly.
5. After then, wash the hands; starting from the fingers until the elbows as stated above.
6. Then wash the hair atop of the forehead.
7. Wash the ear lobes.
8. Then wash the feet.
Washing the mouth thoroughly will clean the mouth from food that is not chewed properly and left between the teeth. Meanwhile, washing the nose will remove the dirt that is filtered by the nasal hair. So the risk of catching colds can be reduced. Washing the ear lobes will remove the excess wax coming from the ear tunnels. Therefore, our hearing should be clearer.
After using the toilet, they must ensure that the taste, the smell and the colour of the waste materials cannot be noticed, either at the toilet or on their body. It is said that if they leave their waste materials just like that, it can be considered as a sin. This is because the unpleasant smell made from their waste materials will disturb other people. Some will puke because they cannot the stand the overpowering smell from it. Moreover, Muslims also need to ensure their clothes are clean from the taste, the smell and the colour of the waste materials. If someone notices that a toilet is not used properly and cleans the toilet, he or she will be rewarded for the deed. When we are clean, we will not get any diseases like viral infections, cancer, or cholera, just to name a few. Well, sometimes cleaners are better than us because they often get rewarded when they clean the toilets from other people’s waste material. The same goes to cleaning the house, garden, or anything to keep the place free from dirt.

Therefore, Islam really guides its followers to be well shaped people, be it their mind or their physic.
Today’s topic is about cleanliness in Islam. Cleanliness is a very important thing for all Muslims. Before Muslims pray, they are required to wash their face, their hands; starting from the fingers until the elbows, the forehead (the hair just above the forehead), and the legs, starting from the toes until the ankles. Here is the sequence of ablution.
1. Wash the hands first, starting from the fingers until the wrists. If the nails are long, Muslims must let water flow on the flesh between the nails.
2. Wash the mouth. It is like gurgling the Listerine inside then spit it out.
3. Wash the nose.
4. Then wash the face thoroughly.
5. After then, wash the hands; starting from the fingers until the elbows as stated above.
6. Then wash the hair atop of the forehead.
7. Wash the ear lobes.
8. Then wash the feet.
Washing the mouth thoroughly will clean the mouth from food that is not chewed properly and left between the teeth. Meanwhile, washing the nose will remove the dirt that is filtered by the nasal hair. So the risk of catching colds can be reduced. Washing the ear lobes will remove the excess wax coming from the ear tunnels. Therefore, our hearing should be clearer.
After using the toilet, they must ensure that the taste, the smell and the colour of the waste materials cannot be noticed, either at the toilet or on their body. It is said that if they leave their waste materials just like that, it can be considered as a sin. This is because the unpleasant smell made from their waste materials will disturb other people. Some will puke because they cannot the stand the overpowering smell from it. Moreover, Muslims also need to ensure their clothes are clean from the taste, the smell and the colour of the waste materials. If someone notices that a toilet is not used properly and cleans the toilet, he or she will be rewarded for the deed. When we are clean, we will not get any diseases like viral infections, cancer, or cholera, just to name a few. Well, sometimes cleaners are better than us because they often get rewarded when they clean the toilets from other people’s waste material. The same goes to cleaning the house, garden, or anything to keep the place free from dirt.

Therefore, Islam really guides its followers to be well shaped people, be it their mind or their physic.
kebersihan itu separuh daripada iman :)
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