Salam alaik and good afternoon.
Today I will share with you all my notes taken from the talk given by Dr Zainur Rashid Zainuddin, a scholar well known among Malaysian university students.
A special thing about Gaza, 3 main religions are fighting to conquer the land. It is said that whoever country that manages to gain control of the land, can control the whole world. It's true. The Islamic empire conquered Palestin and remained the most powerful nation in the world for hundreds of years. The same thing goes to the Christian empire and now, Israel conquers the land and remains the feared country among the Arabs and even the Western and other Asian countries.
It has been 65 years Israel occupies Palestin. Even the only water resource for the Palestinian residents is being used by the Jewish settlers. For your information, Palestin used to be a part of Syria or Syam, the ancient Syria.
Do you all know that Syam consisted of Jordan, Palestin and Lebanon? According to military strategy, if Egypt and Syria are conquered by the Muslims, it will ease the path way to regain Muslims control of Palestin back.
According to the verse where the story of Isra' and Mikraj is being told, the problem of Palestin is not the problem of the Arabs only, but it is Muslims problem, our problem. Now that Israel is planning on the Judaisation of al-Aqsa. They are planning to build their long lost temple, The Solomon Temple. So they dig holes below the mosque and build pubs, restaurants, offices under the mosque. So that when the ground isn't strong enough to stand the mosque on it due to the increased width of the hollow space below the mosque. Moreover, only people aged 45 years and above can perform their prayers here, and Muslims have to wait for its gate to be opened by Jewish police before they can pray there.
We all know that, as we get nearer to the Apocalypse, there will be a lake which used to have abundant water resource, will dry and it will be the place where Gog and Magog (Yakjuj and Makjuj) will stop for rest when they get out from their confinement. If we google the image of current Tiberia lake or also known as Sea of Galilee, it dries up rapidly due to excessive consumption of water by the Jewish settlers there.
One thing to know is, not all Jews are bad. Not all Jews practise Judaism or Zionism. There's a small group of Jewish people named Naturei Karta. They are the Orthodox Jews that hate Zionism, they practise almost the original teachings by Prophet Moses a.s. There are around 9800 Naturei Karta's people all over the world.
Have we ever thought about Mustafa Kamal Attarturk's descent? He was a Jew, who planned the secularism of Turkey in order to prepare Turkey to be a modern and developed country.
1917 left a mark on Islamic history when many Jewish people migrated to Palestin after Balfour Declaration, in order to build a nation named Israel.
The Holocaust was planned together by Adolf Hitler, Nazis and the Zionist to banish the Jewish people including a number of Muslims in order to create the opportunity for Zionist to build Israel. Approximately there were 6000 Muslims killed in Holocaust. The Zionist secretly made use of the Holocaust to have the attention and the sympathy from the Westerners mostly so that the British people would let the Jews to settle in Palestin after so long living in diaspora.
The Nakba Day marked the date when the Palestinians started to live as refugees from year 1948 in their own land. Now only 4.7% of the Palestin land belongs to the Palestinians. Also, the al-Aqsa mosque used to be burnt in 1969 until some parts of it turned to ashes.
Palestin land is so important for Muslims, even Salahuddin al-Ayyubi, wasn't an Arab, he was a Kurdi, but he dedicated most of his life to return Palestin back to Muslims till he had no time to perform his Hajj.
According to the late as-Syahid Syeikh Ahmed Yassin, he said "The Israel nation will be destroyed by 2027," So, are we going to just sit and relax and wait for the time to come, or are we going to be with other Muslims to struggle for bringing back the glory of Islam?
After the serial Intifada attacks by the Palestinians, we can see that the Israel's control of Palestin is loosened gradually.
- Most Jews no longer feel safe when settling in Palestin
- Less Jews migrate to Palestin
- The economy of Israel has declined
- There are Jews who emigrate from Palestin
- The Palestin issue has been brought to the international conferences like UN
- More Palestinians have support to equip themselves with more weapon resources, military tacticals and knowledge from the outside world secretly
During the reign of Mubarak, The Rafah gate seemed so hard to pass. Now it is opened back by the new Egypt government. To transport things like food and weapons, there are many rat holes built in the ground for many uses.
The Gaza Police and The al-Qassam Brigade
- They perform their congregational prayer 5 times a day without missing it.
- They all memorise the 30 Juz of al-Quran, all are hafizs
- They don't smoke
- They start their day by performing Fajr congregational prayer
- Age around 18-30 years old for Qassam Brigade
- The Iron Dome in Israel only manages to ward 1/3 of Qassam's rockets
- Before they are interviewed for Qassam Brigade, the administrators will check with the imam from the applicant's neighbourhood and ask whether the applicant ever skips his Fajr congregational prayers for 6 months before.
Palestinian children around 8 to 12 years attend a special Maahad (school) there. From 8 am to 12 pm they'll spend their time at the school learning Mathematics, Science, Arabic language and English Language. Around 2 pm to 4 pm they will attend tahfiz class, a class conducted specially to train children to memorise the Quran until they become hafizs and hafizahs, the ones who memorise the whole Quran with its 30 juzu'.
By the time when the children reach 12 years old, they should be
-Hafizs or hafizahs
-Memorise 500 hadiths
-Master Science, Mathematics, Arabic and English
An example of the product of this school is Ismail Haniyeh, a Palestinian leader. He is a hafiz.
And what's more, almost every Palestinian wants to be a martyr, a 14 years old boy, a 5 years old girl and even the Agricultural Minister dream of that.
There's not a single beggar spotted at Gaza. And there are no such pictures of celebrities hanging on the walls of the teenagers' room. Each Palestinian family has around 10-12 children while the Jews family has around 2-3 children and it's what we call as demography bomb.
Dr. Mofeed
- A university dean
- The health minister of Palestin
- Chief surgeon
- Used to be imprisoned by the Israeli force
- Used to live at a desert along with as-Syahid Syeikh Ahmed Yassin and as-Syahid Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantissi
- Bought the second largest church in Ireland and converted it to a mosque
Even disabled Palestinians, perform their congregational prayer at recreational park.
Today I will share with you all my notes taken from the talk given by Dr Zainur Rashid Zainuddin, a scholar well known among Malaysian university students.
A special thing about Gaza, 3 main religions are fighting to conquer the land. It is said that whoever country that manages to gain control of the land, can control the whole world. It's true. The Islamic empire conquered Palestin and remained the most powerful nation in the world for hundreds of years. The same thing goes to the Christian empire and now, Israel conquers the land and remains the feared country among the Arabs and even the Western and other Asian countries.
It has been 65 years Israel occupies Palestin. Even the only water resource for the Palestinian residents is being used by the Jewish settlers. For your information, Palestin used to be a part of Syria or Syam, the ancient Syria.
Do you all know that Syam consisted of Jordan, Palestin and Lebanon? According to military strategy, if Egypt and Syria are conquered by the Muslims, it will ease the path way to regain Muslims control of Palestin back.
According to the verse where the story of Isra' and Mikraj is being told, the problem of Palestin is not the problem of the Arabs only, but it is Muslims problem, our problem. Now that Israel is planning on the Judaisation of al-Aqsa. They are planning to build their long lost temple, The Solomon Temple. So they dig holes below the mosque and build pubs, restaurants, offices under the mosque. So that when the ground isn't strong enough to stand the mosque on it due to the increased width of the hollow space below the mosque. Moreover, only people aged 45 years and above can perform their prayers here, and Muslims have to wait for its gate to be opened by Jewish police before they can pray there.
We all know that, as we get nearer to the Apocalypse, there will be a lake which used to have abundant water resource, will dry and it will be the place where Gog and Magog (Yakjuj and Makjuj) will stop for rest when they get out from their confinement. If we google the image of current Tiberia lake or also known as Sea of Galilee, it dries up rapidly due to excessive consumption of water by the Jewish settlers there.
Naturei Karta
1917 left a mark on Islamic history when many Jewish people migrated to Palestin after Balfour Declaration, in order to build a nation named Israel.
The Holocaust was planned together by Adolf Hitler, Nazis and the Zionist to banish the Jewish people including a number of Muslims in order to create the opportunity for Zionist to build Israel. Approximately there were 6000 Muslims killed in Holocaust. The Zionist secretly made use of the Holocaust to have the attention and the sympathy from the Westerners mostly so that the British people would let the Jews to settle in Palestin after so long living in diaspora.
The Nakba Day marked the date when the Palestinians started to live as refugees from year 1948 in their own land. Now only 4.7% of the Palestin land belongs to the Palestinians. Also, the al-Aqsa mosque used to be burnt in 1969 until some parts of it turned to ashes.
According to the late as-Syahid Syeikh Ahmed Yassin, he said "The Israel nation will be destroyed by 2027," So, are we going to just sit and relax and wait for the time to come, or are we going to be with other Muslims to struggle for bringing back the glory of Islam?
as-Syahid Syeikh Ahmed Yassin
After the serial Intifada attacks by the Palestinians, we can see that the Israel's control of Palestin is loosened gradually.
- Most Jews no longer feel safe when settling in Palestin
- Less Jews migrate to Palestin
- The economy of Israel has declined
- There are Jews who emigrate from Palestin
- The Palestin issue has been brought to the international conferences like UN
- More Palestinians have support to equip themselves with more weapon resources, military tacticals and knowledge from the outside world secretly
During the reign of Mubarak, The Rafah gate seemed so hard to pass. Now it is opened back by the new Egypt government. To transport things like food and weapons, there are many rat holes built in the ground for many uses.
The Gaza Police and The al-Qassam Brigade
- They perform their congregational prayer 5 times a day without missing it.
- They all memorise the 30 Juz of al-Quran, all are hafizs
- They don't smoke
- They start their day by performing Fajr congregational prayer
- Age around 18-30 years old for Qassam Brigade
- The Iron Dome in Israel only manages to ward 1/3 of Qassam's rockets
- Before they are interviewed for Qassam Brigade, the administrators will check with the imam from the applicant's neighbourhood and ask whether the applicant ever skips his Fajr congregational prayers for 6 months before.
The Qassam Brigade
Palestinian children around 8 to 12 years attend a special Maahad (school) there. From 8 am to 12 pm they'll spend their time at the school learning Mathematics, Science, Arabic language and English Language. Around 2 pm to 4 pm they will attend tahfiz class, a class conducted specially to train children to memorise the Quran until they become hafizs and hafizahs, the ones who memorise the whole Quran with its 30 juzu'.
By the time when the children reach 12 years old, they should be
-Hafizs or hafizahs
-Memorise 500 hadiths
-Master Science, Mathematics, Arabic and English
An example of the product of this school is Ismail Haniyeh, a Palestinian leader. He is a hafiz.
And what's more, almost every Palestinian wants to be a martyr, a 14 years old boy, a 5 years old girl and even the Agricultural Minister dream of that.
There's not a single beggar spotted at Gaza. And there are no such pictures of celebrities hanging on the walls of the teenagers' room. Each Palestinian family has around 10-12 children while the Jews family has around 2-3 children and it's what we call as demography bomb.
Dr. Mofeed
Dr. Mofeed at the left
- A university dean
- The health minister of Palestin
- Chief surgeon
- Used to be imprisoned by the Israeli force
- Used to live at a desert along with as-Syahid Syeikh Ahmed Yassin and as-Syahid Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantissi
- Bought the second largest church in Ireland and converted it to a mosque
Even disabled Palestinians, perform their congregational prayer at recreational park.
In 1970, Hafeez Assad from Baath Party a socialist, allied with the Alawiyyah Shiites and ruled Syria. Now Basshar Assad has become his successor. The Shiites population in Syria is only around 6%, while 84% is made up of the Sunnis.
During Hamma tragedy in 1982, 46000 people were killed within 27 days and some chemicals are used too kill the innocents. Syrian soldiers cannot perform their prayer, if they want to, they have to do it secretly, like praying by signalling their eye or inside the lockers. They even worship Basshar too.
Hamma Tragedy
23 children have joined the demonstration to reform the Syrian government, they are captured and tortured by Basshar's militants The Shabihas. Their nails are pulled out from their fingers. When the parents ask for their children back, this is what they reply
"Give us your wife, when she is done with us, then only you'll get back your children."
The Shabihas
How can we help?
- By donating for the Palestinian
- Join the convoy to Palestin under non-government organisations
- Volunteer to help the education of Palestinian children
- Build our younger generation according to the Quran and Sunnah
- Be an allrounder, always improve ourselves, spiritually and academically
- Help to build a better family and society
- Always pray for the oppressed
Till then, salam alayk!
big thankyou for this great sharing.. :D