The Urge to Think

Salam alaik and good morning to all.

This is just an opinion of mine.

Do not separate Science with Religion

Science is not everything. But science is important as it connects mankind with ALLAH. Do not stop science, but make a lot of discoveries. Islam encourages its people to seek for knowledge. Only with knowledge we can seek the truth. Islam is not all about halal and haram, or in simpler words, Islam is not the religion where we cannot do this and that. Do not be too rigid in religion and do not go astray from religion. Being moderate is the best.

The call to travel, seeking for knowledge and to always think out of the box

Islam encourages its people to travel and seek for knowledge. Islam does not encourage us to blindly accept something and have faith in it before confirming the truth of the story.

Being narrow-minded in religion will only lead towards the emergence of radicals. People will never believe that God exists and will try to stay away from anything related to religion. They will forget that religion is the guidance to live a meaningful life. People will become like robots, always do the same chores, compete to be the richest of all, work really hard to secure dreamed positions. What is the main reason we were created actually? Is it just to be wealthy? To accomplish in our academic performance? To meet Mr. Right or Mrs. Right? To seek fame so that other people will hail us?

ALLAH has said that,

“I have not created Jinn and mankind (for any other purpose) except to worship me” (51:56).

So, in order to worship ALLAH, we do as HE asks. Thinking can also be a form of worshipping, if we use the brain to think about the creation of the universe, the mankind, and to search for ways to uphold Islam.



  2. just finished attending my khatibah. it's awesome. i can see the purpose of human creation now clearly. thanks for encouraging me to join usrah =)


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