how fire is created?

"The same Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! ye kindle therewith (your own fires)!

Al-Quran, 36:80

when i was in secondary school, i learnt that fire will not be produced without the presence of carbon and oxygen. i also learnt that when a burning candle is covered in a drinking glass, the fire will be extinguished, because there is no supply of oxygen that supports the combustion.

so, why ALLAH mentions about producing fire from green tree, not from red tree, yellow tree, brown tree or other coloured trees? why He chooses only green tree?

well, it is all about the photosynthesis. yes, we know that the green colour of a tree marks the abundant presence of chlorophyll. the chlorophyll is a pigment that is found in chloroplast, an organelle in a plant cell. actually, it can be found in other coloured trees too, but not as abundant as green trees. plants use carbon dioxide gas that is produced as the product from the respiration of human and animals in photosynthesis.

there are two stages of photosynthesis, the light reactions and the calvin cycle. now let us focus more on light reactions. chlorophyll absorbs light energy from the sun and converts it into chemical energy. this process requires carbon dioxide and water. so, when energy is present, it breaks the water compound and the products are carbohydrate, water and oxygen. note the last product of photosynthesis.


if, let us say, chlorophyll, the green pigment is not present in trees, then how come we will get fire to cook, warm ourselves, melt irons and glasses or other works that need fire as the source of heat?

no combustion will occur when oxygen doesn't exist at all.


Al-Quran and its translation
dr. danial zainal abidin, taken from his talk about scientific proofs of Al-Quran
campbell. n., reece j., 2002, biology: sixth edition, benjamin cummings; united states of america. pp. 178-181
