Nowadays, people are keen on exploring latest technology invented by the scientists. A lot of brands compete to introduce to the whole world, such as Motorola, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Nokia, Honda and Ssangyong, just to name a few. Various fields of technologies apply science principles. Moreover, science benefits people much than the adverse impact carried by science.
As for me, I will explore all fields of science as I love science very much. Genetic engineering provides many facilities toward people mostly who are involved in agriculture. Genetic engineering can enhance the quality of the crops and produced crops that are resistant towards infections that can reduce the yield of crops. The process is not so complicated, scientists will suck out the original nucleus of the plant that is going to be modified genetically, and replace it with a nucleus from a plant that is better from the plant that is going to be altered genetically, whether it can produce more yield, tastes better or can resist pests’ attacks. Moreover, injecting weakened antibodies inside the body of the victims of animals’ bites to produce either passive or active immunity to help the body fight against the infection. The body itself cannot fight the infection alone as the body has limited ability to fight stronger infection. This weakened antibody or antiserum is known as vaccine. Further modification of weakened antibodies can help to save peoples’ lives, and it can create an environment that is free from any harmful diseases. Who knows, one day people may find the cure for SARS and AIDS based on science knowledge.
Any viral infections such as chicken pox or fungus that cause itchiness or blisters can also be prevented with the help of science. Chemically invented substances will carry its properties to be used as their arms to relieve pains such as analgesics. Furthermore it can help to turn the body back to normal.
In the field of physics, electronics play an important role. Nowadays, people are using machines to ease their life. Many laws formed by the earlier scientists help engineers in their invention. Do you remember Henry j. g Moseley and his experiment on gold foils by emitting alpha particles? His discovery contributed a lot to the future generations. The same thing goes to Maltese cross tube that shows the properties of cathode rays that lead to the invention of television. They started to produce better machines that can work efficiently with the help of electronic components such as transformers, capacitors, and diodes and also rheostats to vary the current to ensure the current suits the capacity of the electrical appliances. If the current supplied to the electrical appliances cannot be adjusted, it may damage them and hence, they cannot function properly. Some of them may harm the users and they can be fatal too. Chemicals are mixed continuously to find a new potential difference to be used in non-rechargeable source of power, which is the battery. Metals that are good conductors are added to form a power source that can be used to supply power to much complicated electronic machine, such as the hand phone, Bluetooth, personal computer and other gadgets. If I was a scientist, I will invent a better power source that does not use high amount of voltage to operate. Instead, it can supply current bigger than the high voltage appliances that consume energy a lot. An environment friendly substance will not cause any adverse impacts on the environment as it can decay quickly unlike plastics. The substance does not cause pollution. It can be used to generate air conditioners that are free from ozone depleting substances, chlorofluorocarbon. Mostly people do not realize the danger of chlorofluorocarbon. When the gases are liberated to air due to chemical reactions that occur within the air-conditioner, they will break into ions. These ions will move to a higher place where the ozone layer can be found. These ions combine easily with ozone gases, O3 thus reducing the percentage of ozone layer left on the atmosphere. The compound formed will break again and these ions will find other ozone gases to combine with. Scientists currently detected a large hole of the ozone layer in the Antarctic.
Applying the wave’s principles, many methods can be used to improve the ultrasound devices. Ultrasounds devices are commonly used to view unborn babies and enable the parents of the children know their children gender. Improving this invention can enable us to predict future complications that will occur in the babies’ growth. Therefore, both parents and the doctors too can prepare themselves with medicines, facilities, and strategies to help reducing the effects. Many effects are caused by hereditary diseases but still, science can overcome the problem. Some of the effects may be caused from insufficient nutrients or the mothers themselves who take alcoholic drinks, smoking, and drugs. Any prevention methods can be taken to avoid the bad effects caused by the diseases, such as the doctors can prepare the medicine prescriptions to be taken by the pregnant women, like what I have said before about the steps that should be taken once we know the illness of the fetus.
Moreover, due to tear of cartilage or any joint in humans body, new materials can be created similarly like the original one and exhibit same characteristics to absorb frictions that result from the collision of bones when body moves. These synthetically materials can replace worn out cartilage in human, especially the older people. Thus, science can reduce the side effects of osteoarthritis or the inflammation of bones.
Electronic devices can also be used as the substitutes for the nodes inside the hearts. Heart pacemaker is one of the electronic devices that can stimulate the rate of heartbeat in the blood circulatory system. Electronic devices can help to overcome the kidney failure, for example, using the haemodialysis machines. I wish I can invent a complex machine that exhibits similar properties like the original kidney that can be planted inside our body. Currently, we are using haemodialysis machines that burden the patients when they have to pay a high fee after using the machines. In addition, patients that come from poor family cannot afford to pay the fees, and they have to visit the haemodialysis centre regularly. With my invention, they do not have to do so as they have the human made dialysis machines. They are smaller than the current dialysis machine.
Through continuous invention and innovation, the use of coal and raw petroleum from the earth crust can be reduced. Much renewable energy can be formed according to the principle of the conservation of energy. The change of energy types, whether from kinetic energy to light energy or from wave energy to electrical energy can be applied as the new source of electricity. As we do know that nuclear power generator costs much, why do not we find other alternatives to overcome the problem? France and other countries in Europe are already making full use of the wind energy and the wave energy carried by nature to generate electricity in buildings.
In Malaysia, using renewable energy is not something new. Malaysia practices the building of dams to produce hydroelectric energy and solar panels at the street lamps through out the country to be generated from solar energy. Therefore, less harmful gases are released to the air, such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. For your information, carbon monoxide mixes with the haemoglobin in the blood very fast compared to oxygen. This situation will cut off the oxygen supply through out the body and it will harm human. Meanwhile, sulphur dioxide gases are acidic and they can corrode metal build skyscrapers and statues. In a short time, the metal build skyscrapers will collapse. Consequently, many people will die.
The architects can apply the factors of stability when building skyscrapers. In America, the architects work hard to build a skyscraper that will provide home for almost hundreds of people on a human made island. This creative idea will conserve the habitat of animals and plants. The forests in low lying areas will not be disrupted. Moreover, this also decreases the need of land opening. More catchment areas are preserved to maintain the balance of ecosystem. No more news about tigers attacking a residential area or snake bites.
Further studies in geology and geography will teach people to be aware of the future natural disasters. Many advanced buoys can be placed near the coastal area where the natural disasters always happen, such as tsunamis. For example, the chains of volcanoes starting from Japan to Philippines until Indonesia. These buoys will not only give out warnings, but it can also predict the future volcano eruptions and give full details about the activities inside the earth crust.
Scientists have proven the use of styrofoam boxes in the packing of foods can result in the growth of cancerous tumors. Some of the concerned countries have banned the use of petroleum made products like Taiwan. Using paper bags are more convenient as papers do not react with the foods inside the paper bags, unlike styrofoam. As the environmentalists always urge people not to cut down trees, we can recycle the papers products and make our own paper bags if we wish. An innovative company in Malaysia launched furniture made of papers that are folded and joined using strong glues. They come in various patterns and colours. Students at higher education level work with food technologists to try producing naturally made flavour enhancer and dyes that will not pollute the environment. The pandan plants are used by housewives traditionally in their cooking. Some turnips are known in producing red colour, so do the dragon fruits. The naturally made flavourings are safer than the artificially made colours and flavourings such as tartrazine and monosodium glutamate. Home made starch can be commercialized
To replace xanthan gum as food emulsifier.
In the field of astrology and astronomy, the world’s most famous company that is involved in this branch of science is NASA, in the United States of America followed by Russian cosmos centre, as the pioneer in space exploration. The early Chinese people were very interested in astronomy while the Greece people refused to talk about astronomy as they believed any objects in space give bad luck when they are seen in the sky. The physics concepts are applied in the making of telescopes to help in the study of the outer space. Many spaceships were launched and they landed on mars and the moon to study the rocks on their surface. Using astronomy and astrology, students get to know the terms in astronomy such as the moons of mars, Phobos and Deimos and 10G. Sometimes the probe itself cannot analyse precisely the sample that has been taken from the outer space, therefore man went to outer space to analyse and make research on their new discoveries
As for me, I will explore all fields of science as I love science very much. Genetic engineering provides many facilities toward people mostly who are involved in agriculture. Genetic engineering can enhance the quality of the crops and produced crops that are resistant towards infections that can reduce the yield of crops. The process is not so complicated, scientists will suck out the original nucleus of the plant that is going to be modified genetically, and replace it with a nucleus from a plant that is better from the plant that is going to be altered genetically, whether it can produce more yield, tastes better or can resist pests’ attacks. Moreover, injecting weakened antibodies inside the body of the victims of animals’ bites to produce either passive or active immunity to help the body fight against the infection. The body itself cannot fight the infection alone as the body has limited ability to fight stronger infection. This weakened antibody or antiserum is known as vaccine. Further modification of weakened antibodies can help to save peoples’ lives, and it can create an environment that is free from any harmful diseases. Who knows, one day people may find the cure for SARS and AIDS based on science knowledge.
Any viral infections such as chicken pox or fungus that cause itchiness or blisters can also be prevented with the help of science. Chemically invented substances will carry its properties to be used as their arms to relieve pains such as analgesics. Furthermore it can help to turn the body back to normal.
In the field of physics, electronics play an important role. Nowadays, people are using machines to ease their life. Many laws formed by the earlier scientists help engineers in their invention. Do you remember Henry j. g Moseley and his experiment on gold foils by emitting alpha particles? His discovery contributed a lot to the future generations. The same thing goes to Maltese cross tube that shows the properties of cathode rays that lead to the invention of television. They started to produce better machines that can work efficiently with the help of electronic components such as transformers, capacitors, and diodes and also rheostats to vary the current to ensure the current suits the capacity of the electrical appliances. If the current supplied to the electrical appliances cannot be adjusted, it may damage them and hence, they cannot function properly. Some of them may harm the users and they can be fatal too. Chemicals are mixed continuously to find a new potential difference to be used in non-rechargeable source of power, which is the battery. Metals that are good conductors are added to form a power source that can be used to supply power to much complicated electronic machine, such as the hand phone, Bluetooth, personal computer and other gadgets. If I was a scientist, I will invent a better power source that does not use high amount of voltage to operate. Instead, it can supply current bigger than the high voltage appliances that consume energy a lot. An environment friendly substance will not cause any adverse impacts on the environment as it can decay quickly unlike plastics. The substance does not cause pollution. It can be used to generate air conditioners that are free from ozone depleting substances, chlorofluorocarbon. Mostly people do not realize the danger of chlorofluorocarbon. When the gases are liberated to air due to chemical reactions that occur within the air-conditioner, they will break into ions. These ions will move to a higher place where the ozone layer can be found. These ions combine easily with ozone gases, O3 thus reducing the percentage of ozone layer left on the atmosphere. The compound formed will break again and these ions will find other ozone gases to combine with. Scientists currently detected a large hole of the ozone layer in the Antarctic.
Applying the wave’s principles, many methods can be used to improve the ultrasound devices. Ultrasounds devices are commonly used to view unborn babies and enable the parents of the children know their children gender. Improving this invention can enable us to predict future complications that will occur in the babies’ growth. Therefore, both parents and the doctors too can prepare themselves with medicines, facilities, and strategies to help reducing the effects. Many effects are caused by hereditary diseases but still, science can overcome the problem. Some of the effects may be caused from insufficient nutrients or the mothers themselves who take alcoholic drinks, smoking, and drugs. Any prevention methods can be taken to avoid the bad effects caused by the diseases, such as the doctors can prepare the medicine prescriptions to be taken by the pregnant women, like what I have said before about the steps that should be taken once we know the illness of the fetus.
Moreover, due to tear of cartilage or any joint in humans body, new materials can be created similarly like the original one and exhibit same characteristics to absorb frictions that result from the collision of bones when body moves. These synthetically materials can replace worn out cartilage in human, especially the older people. Thus, science can reduce the side effects of osteoarthritis or the inflammation of bones.
Electronic devices can also be used as the substitutes for the nodes inside the hearts. Heart pacemaker is one of the electronic devices that can stimulate the rate of heartbeat in the blood circulatory system. Electronic devices can help to overcome the kidney failure, for example, using the haemodialysis machines. I wish I can invent a complex machine that exhibits similar properties like the original kidney that can be planted inside our body. Currently, we are using haemodialysis machines that burden the patients when they have to pay a high fee after using the machines. In addition, patients that come from poor family cannot afford to pay the fees, and they have to visit the haemodialysis centre regularly. With my invention, they do not have to do so as they have the human made dialysis machines. They are smaller than the current dialysis machine.
Through continuous invention and innovation, the use of coal and raw petroleum from the earth crust can be reduced. Much renewable energy can be formed according to the principle of the conservation of energy. The change of energy types, whether from kinetic energy to light energy or from wave energy to electrical energy can be applied as the new source of electricity. As we do know that nuclear power generator costs much, why do not we find other alternatives to overcome the problem? France and other countries in Europe are already making full use of the wind energy and the wave energy carried by nature to generate electricity in buildings.
In Malaysia, using renewable energy is not something new. Malaysia practices the building of dams to produce hydroelectric energy and solar panels at the street lamps through out the country to be generated from solar energy. Therefore, less harmful gases are released to the air, such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. For your information, carbon monoxide mixes with the haemoglobin in the blood very fast compared to oxygen. This situation will cut off the oxygen supply through out the body and it will harm human. Meanwhile, sulphur dioxide gases are acidic and they can corrode metal build skyscrapers and statues. In a short time, the metal build skyscrapers will collapse. Consequently, many people will die.
The architects can apply the factors of stability when building skyscrapers. In America, the architects work hard to build a skyscraper that will provide home for almost hundreds of people on a human made island. This creative idea will conserve the habitat of animals and plants. The forests in low lying areas will not be disrupted. Moreover, this also decreases the need of land opening. More catchment areas are preserved to maintain the balance of ecosystem. No more news about tigers attacking a residential area or snake bites.
Further studies in geology and geography will teach people to be aware of the future natural disasters. Many advanced buoys can be placed near the coastal area where the natural disasters always happen, such as tsunamis. For example, the chains of volcanoes starting from Japan to Philippines until Indonesia. These buoys will not only give out warnings, but it can also predict the future volcano eruptions and give full details about the activities inside the earth crust.
Scientists have proven the use of styrofoam boxes in the packing of foods can result in the growth of cancerous tumors. Some of the concerned countries have banned the use of petroleum made products like Taiwan. Using paper bags are more convenient as papers do not react with the foods inside the paper bags, unlike styrofoam. As the environmentalists always urge people not to cut down trees, we can recycle the papers products and make our own paper bags if we wish. An innovative company in Malaysia launched furniture made of papers that are folded and joined using strong glues. They come in various patterns and colours. Students at higher education level work with food technologists to try producing naturally made flavour enhancer and dyes that will not pollute the environment. The pandan plants are used by housewives traditionally in their cooking. Some turnips are known in producing red colour, so do the dragon fruits. The naturally made flavourings are safer than the artificially made colours and flavourings such as tartrazine and monosodium glutamate. Home made starch can be commercialized
To replace xanthan gum as food emulsifier.
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